Can Cowboy Boots Get Wet

Can Cowboy Boots Get Wet? – [Complete Visually Explained]

Cowboy boots are very necessary for your protection while horse riding. Sometimes they get wet, if they are exposed to rain or snow.

Yes, Cowboy boots get wet because they are not waterproof. But these are water resistant and it is better to treat them with a water-resistant conditioner. The ideal condition is that cowboy boots should not be exposed to water because it will damage them and affect their durability.

In this article, we will discuss the ways to protect your cowboy boots from water; let’s learn.

Can A Cowboy Boot Get Wet?

Yes, they can get wet if their material is leather. Your cowboy boots get wet when they get exposed to water like heavy rain, snow, or mud.

Naturally, leather has a tendency to resist moisture, but still, it can absorb and retain moisture.

Apart from the fact that the cowboy boots get wet, you can still wear them in rain or snow. You have to take proper care of your cowboy boots to ensure their longevity.

Cowboy Boot Get Wet

Do Cowboy Boots Get Wet In The Snow?

Yes, cowboy boots can also get wet in snow. Because their material is not waterproof.

Apart from these facts, if you still want to wear cowboy boots in the snow then consider the factors below.


Traditional cowboy boots are really helpful in keeping your feet warm in the winter season. These boots have a high shaft that cannot let snow enter into your boots.


Cowboy boots are not waterproof and their quality affects when they get exposed to snow. When this snow melts down, your leather boots will get water stains.

So if you want to ensure the longevity of your cowboy boots, then you have to keep them away from water.

Cowboy Boots Get Wet In The Snow

Why Should Cowboy Boots Not Get Wet In Water?

Below we discuss some reasons why your cowboy boots should not be exposed to moisture.

Water Affects Leather:

When the leather of cowboy boots comes in contact with water, at first nothing will happen because leather may be waterproof or polished.

However, if your cowboy boots are exposed to water for a prolonged time, then it can damage the leather.

Then these penetrated moisture molecules will start gathering with the leather’s oil molecules. So oil molecules also start evaporating along with water molecules.

This is the reason leather cowboy boots become dry and flaky after their exposure to water. So it is obvious oil helps keep the cowboy boot’s leather shiny and fresh.

Moisture Attracts Mold:

If your cowboy boots are exposed to water for a long time, it will attract mold. If you notice the presence of mold in your cowboy boots, it shows that fungi are growing in the boots.

Cowboy Boots Not Get Wet In Water

Fungi can only grow on moist surfaces, so it is obvious that moisture in your boots attracts molds. Mold growth in your boots tells you that they are moist and dirty and they need cleaning thoroughly.

Wet Cowboy Boots Damage Quickly:

From the above-mentioned tips, it is obvious that if your cowboy boots get in contact with water, then the quality of their leather starts deteriorating.

If your cowboy boots get wet with water, their leather will end up drying, cracking, and fading.

After deep research, my recommendation is your cowboy boots should not get in contact with water. Because moisture is not good for leather. However, if still there is a risk that your boots will come in contact with water, then use any waterproofing method mentioned below.

Ways To Protect Your Cowboy Boots From Getting Wet:

There are many tips that you can follow for avoiding water exposure with your cowboy boots. Let’s discuss them

Waterproofing Of Your Cowboy Boots:

Waterproofing is the best method to protect your cowboy boots from getting wet. You can use many products to make your boots waterproof. Let’s discuss them.


Using waterproofing spray on your boots is the easiest and most convenient way to protect your cowboy boots from water. You can buy the waterproof spray from any reputed brand.


If you want to apply a waterproofing product with cloth on your cowboy boots, then using waterproofing creams is the best option for you.


Another method to make your boots waterproof is using wax.

Waterproofing Of Your Cowboy Boots

Final Words:

Cowboy boots can get wet when exposed to any kind of moisture. If your cowboy boots get in contact with water for a prolonged time, then it will damage their leather.

However, you can make these boots waterproof by using different protective products. These waterproofing products help in the protection of your boots from moisture.

Hopefully, this article provided answers to all your queries!

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