How To Break In Cowboy Boots

How To Break In Cowboy Boots? – [Complete Information]

Cowboy boots come with hard leather, so it is not easy to wear new cowboy boots. With time, leather becomes soft and adapts to your feet. If you want to break in boots quickly, there are multiple break-in methods for cowboy boots.

It is very important to break in your cowboy boots. Break in your cowboy boots to ensure your safety and comfort. There are different methods to break in your cowboy boots like putting a bag of frozen water inside the boots, wearing double socks, steaming your boots, use of boot stretcher or boot stretcher spray.

Read the complete guide to get more information about how to break in cowboy boots.

Why Is It Important To Break In Your Cowboy Boots?

Many people wear cowboy boots for style but initially, they are not comfortable. Most cowboy boots are made up of leather. It is very hard at first, but with time it gets flexible and takes shape according to your feet. After a break in process in your cowboy boots, it will become comfortable and flexible.

Break In Your Cowboy Boots

If you do not break them in, it causes friction between your feet and the cowboy boot’s material. Resultantly, you may get blisters. If you do not avoid wearing your uncomfortable cowboy boots, it will lead to infections and other complications.

The most important reason to break in your cowboy boots is your safety and comfort. According to my research, you should use the steam method, wear double socks, and use a boot stretcher to break in your cowboy boots. All of them are effective to break in your cowboy boots.

How To Break In Cowboy Boots?

Break in your cowboy boots is very important because it comes with multiple benefits. Let’s discuss some factors that you have to follow to break in your cowboy boots.

Wear Your Cowboy Boots:

By wearing your cowboy boots, it will take shape according to your feet. The more you wear them, the more they will adapt according to your feet ‘shape.

Moreover, you can also steam your boots’ interior with the help of a cloth steamer. This method is really helpful in making the leather of cowboy boots flexible. Then, you have to wear your boots and walk in them.

One thing to consider in the steaming method is, it may dry or fade the color of the leather cowboy boots. So it is better to avoid over-steaming of your boots. Moreover, it is recommended to properly condition your boots afterward.

Wear Double Socks:

To break in your cowboy boots, you have to wear a double pair of socks. This method is really helpful in stretching out your cowboy boots, but it will show results after several sessions.

Wearing double socks puts extra pressure on the leather of the boots. In this way, leather will stretch. One thing to consider is you have to walk around because just wearing your boots with socks is not enough.

Wear Your Cowboy Boots

Place A Bag Of Frozen Water:

This method is just similar to wearing a double pair of socks. But in this method, your feet are not involved.

In this method, you have to fill up water in a resealable plastic bag. Moreover, you have to make sure that this bag should be tightly sealed having no air.

Then put this bag in your cowboy boots; you should try to fit it closely to the end of the boot’s toe.

You can also put some newspaper or tissue paper behind the bag; so that it remains in its place.

After this, place it (your boots, water, and all) in the freezer for hours. When water freezes, it will expand and result in the stretching of the leather. In this way, your boots will get a little toe space.

Boot Stretcher:

Most boot stretchers are very helpful to break in your cowboy boots. All you need to do is put boot stretchers in your boots.

Then you have to turn the handle and it will stretch out a bit. Moreover, you can also leave boot stretchers inside your boots all day. This method does not need to be repeated.

Boot Stretch Spray:

You can choose any of the above stretching methods for your cowboy boots. One of the best methods to stretch your cowboy boots is using boot stretch spray. This is a leather-softening spray that is helpful in making the leather more pliant.

Whatever method you use to stretch your cowboy boots, like wearing double socks or using stretching spray, it will act on the boot leather to make it loosen and relax, so that you will get a better fit.

Steam Inside Cowboy Boots:

Steaming is one of the best methods to break in the leather of your cowboy boots.

When people ask how to break in cowboy boots, steaming is quite an easy method and can easily be done at home to stretch out your cowboy boots.

But it is a messy process and there is a risk associated with burning yourself. So you have to be very careful while performing this step at home.

Process of steaming cowboy boots – Let’s have a look at this simple process.

  • Take a garment steamer or a kettle. Then steam inside your cowboy boot. After steaming, wait for about 20 minutes.
  • After you steam the boots, press the leather area with the help of your finger. If it is not soft and flexible, then you have to steam it for another 15 seconds. However, avoid over-steaming because it can cause drying and fading of leather. In this way, your boots get damaged.
  • When boots get soft with steam, then put your feet inside the cowboy boots and walk around. You have to walk in your cowboy boots until they are completely dry. If you take them off before drying, then the leather of cowboy boots will not completely stretch.

Steam Inside Cowboy Boots


It is recommended to buy perfectly fit cowboy boots for you. There are various styles and sizes of cowboy boots available in the market. You can choose a pair of cowboy boots that suit you.

But in case your cowboy boots do not fit you, then you have to break in your cowboy boots. To break in your cowboy boots, you can follow the above-mentioned methods.

Hopefully, you got all the answers to how to break in cowboy boots!

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