How To Clean Cowboy Boots

How To Clean Cowboy Boots? – [Need To Know Everything]

Cowboy boots should be cleaned after some use. If you don’t clean your cowboy boots, they will start damaging after some period. Leather cowboy boots need regular maintenance.

Cleaning cowboy boots is easy but requires some precautions to follow. You should use good quality leather cleaners or a soft brush to clean stains like mud. One thing to consider while cleaning, your boots should not get wet, otherwise quality starts deteriorating.

In this article, there is a step-by-step guideline about how to clean cowboy boots.

How To Clean Cowboy Boots Without Damaging Their Quality?

If you don’t want to deteriorate the leather quality of your cowboy boots, then you should follow the below instructions.

  • You should know the leather grade of your cowboy boots (what type of leather it has).
  • Ensure to use good quality products for your cowboy boots.
  • Use soft cloth or brushes on your cowboy boots.
  • You should use protective lotion at the end of the cleaning process to protect against leather color change or avoid any water spots.
  • You should use conditioner on your boots.
  • In addition, you should wrap your boots in an old towel and place them away from direct sunlight. In case you are living in a region where you encounter a lot of rain, then you have to let them dry out outside. Then once a week, you should place your cowboy boots in a storage box. This step avoids water-related issues like mold growth etc.
  • On the other hand, if there are dry weather conditions in your area, then clean your cowboy boots once a month. Then dry your boots for 48 hours.

Cleaning your cowboy boots needs patience and a lot of effort. But if you do these cleaning steps regularly, then it will not bother you.

In my opinion, the first thing to consider is that your boots should not get wet. Also, you should use a good-quality leather cleaner and soft brushes for cleaning your cowboy boots. After cleaning, apply some conditioner to your cowboy boots.

Can We Use Water And Soap To Clean Cowboy Boots?

Yes, you can use both!

Clean Cowboy Boots

But you have to use them with some precautions to avoid any damage. It is preferred to keep your boots dry during cleaning steps. Additionally, you have to dilute soap with water. In this way, your cowboy boots will clean easily.

How Do You Clean Cowboy Boots?

Let’s have a look at the steps that you should follow while cleaning your cowboy boots.

Cleaning The Inside Of Cowboy Boots:

When you want to clean the inside of your cowboy boots, it is a little harder as compared to outside cleaning your cowboy boots. Many people never want to clean the inside of their boots.

Let’s know the step-by-step process of inside cleaning your cowboy boots.

Clean Insoles:

  • To start the process, remove the insoles.
  • Then wash it using a soft toothbrush.
  • Then moisten it using warm water.
  • In next step, apply soap to it. Using a toothbrush scrub it until it’s clean.
  • If it is leather insoles, then use a leather cleaner for cleaning.

Clean Lining:

Follow the below steps to clean the lining of your cowboy boots.

  • Firstly, you have to unzip the cowboy boots.
  • Using a soft toothbrush, clean the inside dirt of your cowboy boots.
  • Then you should use a vacuum cleaner. It will suck all the dirt out of your boots.
  • After this, use water spray. It will moisten boots from the inside. One thing to consider is your boots should not get too wet during this process.
  • You have to put fabric cleaner on a soft brush. Then scrub it gently inside your boots.
  • After the cleaning process is completed, you should use a clean rag. It will help in soaking up all the fabric cleaner from the inside of your cowboy boots. Your boots should be spotless after completing this step. You should not rinse your boots with water.
  • In the end, you should use the boot tree. It will absorb all the moisture from inside the boot. Additionally, you can also use a dryer to dry your boots completely.
  • You should do the same procedure with leather linings. But you should use leather cleaner rather than fabric cleaner.

Cleaning The Outside Of Cowboy Boots:

Mostly, cowboy boots get dirty with mud stains. These stains are very stubborn. Below are some instructions to clean mud stains from cowboy boots; have a look.

Use Warm Water:

This step is amazing to clean muddy boots. You have to spray some warm water where you notice the mud stains. In this way, it will be easier for you to clean the mud stains.

Cleaning The Outside Of Cowboy Boots

Another way is to use a spray bottle. Add warm water in a spray bottle and spray directly on mud stains. You can also use a soft brush on dry mud stains before you put warm water on the mud stains.

Wipe Off Mud Stains:

Now use a damp rag on the stains. If this damp rag becomes too dirty after wiping the mud stains, you should clean this rag with water before wiping the mud stains again. Then do this step multiple times until the boots surface becomes relatively clean.

Clean Carefully:

After cleaning mud stains, still your boots have hard-to-clean areas. Even if you clean all the mud stains, there may be some stains hiding on the boots. To clean them, continue using a damp rag on your boots to wipe each stain.

Cleaning With Saddle Soap:

To do double cleansing of your boots, you can use a soft brush and saddle soap. This is the scrubbing of your leather cowboy boots.

To do this process, you should wet a soft brush and apply saddle soap. Then rub this soft brush on your boots.

Remove Saddle Soap:

Never put water directly on your cowboy boots. It is recommended to use a dry and well-absorbent rag to wipe off the soap from the boots surface.

Continue wiping until your boots are dry. It prevents leather from getting wet because wet leather can favor mold growth.

Use Conditioner:

After completing your cleaning process, maintenance of cowboy boots are also necessary. You can use conditioner products for protecting your boots from stains. Moreover, you can also apply some waterproof conditioners like mink oil.

Can Cowboy Boots Get Damaged After They Get Wet?

Yes, water can deteriorate your cowboy boots particularly if they have leather material. So when your cowboy boots get wet with water you must air dry them. Moreover, if you can’t air dry your boots then simply put them in a dry place.

Cowboy Boots Get Damaged

If your cowboy boots get wet occasionally, then you should not worry about it. In case you have to soak them, there are various ways to dry them so the leather will not get damaged.

Moreover, you should dry your cowboy boots with fast heating methods because wetting can also lead to leather damage.

Final Words:

Cleaning cowboy boots requires some precautions to follow. The most important point is your boots should not get wet. You should follow the above-mentioned instructions to clean your boots.

This article will be very helpful for those who want to know how to clean cowboy boots at home.

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